Thursday, April 9, 2009

Protecting Trans-identified Persons Right to Full Health Care


The provincial budget will cut funding for sex reassignment surgery for our Trans sisters and brothers. No doubt, the Tories feel this is an easy cut to make. Below is a copy of a letter to Ron Liepert, Minister of Health and Wellness. Copies of this letter are also being sent to Iris Evans, Lindsay Blackett, Brian Mason and David Swann. I urge you to also write letters. This is a very unjust cut.

God bless you.

-- Wayne
Hate is not a Christian Value. Encouraging fear is not a traditional Value.


I am very distressed to hear that sexual reassignment surgery will be delisted from paid Alberta Health Care Services. While I recognize that budget cuts are necessary at a time of revenue shortfalls, I believe it is imperative the government not target the most vulnerable groups in society for those cuts.

It is a sad fact that Trans-identified or Transgendered persons are one of the most misunderstood groups in our society— often even misunderstood by others in the larger LGBT community. As a result of this lack of understanding, there is a misconception that seeking to change gender is a frivolous choice or that the need or desire to change genders can be corrected by counseling or psychological help. It is true that our understanding of gender identity is very limited, but this does not mean the concerns and needs of Trans-identified people can be considered frivolous or unimportant. Nor does it mean that gender reassignment surgery can be considered an elective or unnecessary choice. I might note that persons seeking this surgical proceedure must undergo an extremely rigourous screening proceedure by appropriate medical and psychological professionals before it is approved.

I believe that government in a just and caring society will act to protect the least powerful and most vulnerable in our society, rather than make them the first and easy targets for spending and service cuts. I respectfully urge you and your colleagues to review this decision immediately and restore full funding for Trans-identified persons requiring sexual reassignment surgery.

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