Friday, April 10, 2009

Alberta Transgender Resources:

By now, many of you have heard the bad news that funding for Gender Reassignment Surgery is being delisted in this year's budget. We do have a few enquiries out there right now to take scope of what all might be affected, and narrow down what our best options are. I can't promise anything at this stage, other than that we will find a way to fight this.

Keep in mind that the American Medical Association restated the necessity of GRS this past fall, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission ordered funding reinstated in that Province last spring. There is reason to keep hope.

For the time being, if people could send me a private email to let me know who is in the queue for 2009-2010 (this year), and who expects that they likely would receive funding for surgery in this or the following year. If you know of someone I might not be aware of or have contact information for, please forward this note to them and have them contact me (if email is not an option, let me know and we'll find an alternative). If you are aware of any independent efforts, please let me know so that we can possibly combine efforts.

I may be contacting some people in coming days about possible involvement, depending on what our best options are. If you don't hear anything on action on the issue in the next while, don't panic about that -- we might be taking a strategy in which confidentiality may be necessary. It does not mean that we've given up.

But it is most of all important: DON'T LOSE HOPE. There is reason to hold on.

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