Saturday, April 11, 2009

Alberta Delists Gender Reassignment Surgery Funding

Bilerico, USA

Alberta Delists Gender Reassignment Surgery Funding

Filed by: Mercedes Allen

April 8, 2009 10:30 AM

This is a quick note for Canadian readers and those interested on the
way of things for transfolk up here.

On April 7th, 2009, the Province of Alberta has delisted funding for
GRS surgery. I'm awaiting confirmation as to whether this affects
people in the queue, and how much of our medical process is affected.
A number of us will be narrowing down our best options and seeking

For people affected by this change, keep in mind that the American
Medical Association restated the necessity of GRS this past fall, and
the Ontario Human Rights Commission ordered funding reinstated in that
Province last spring. There is reason to keep hope.

I'm looking for information about Albertans who are in the queue for
2009-2010 (this year), and/or who expect that they likely would
receive funding for surgery in this or the following year.

Don't lose hope. There is reason to hold on.

Filed under: Current Events | Health issues | International |
Transgender & Intersex

Tags: alberta | canada | delisted | medical coverage | public health |
srs | surgery | transgender | transsexual

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