Thursday, April 16, 2009

Latest update Wednesday April 15th

Latest update Wednesday April 15th

1. There will be a rally at the Health Minister's office on Friday April 17th at 1:30 p.m. (5555 Strathcona Hill SW Calgary). This is being put on by Friends of Medicare, and in support of a number of health issues.

We need to stand in solidarity with them if possible, as we all have mutual concerns. For example, one of the discussed cuts centers around suicide prevention programs for youth, which affects that part of our population as well.

This is important. If we wish people to support our health issues, we should also be willing to care about theirs and stand in solidarity. For any who can attend, please do.



2. Because of the low and inaccurate number of GRS patients listed in question period on April 14, 2009, we need to perform a census to clear up the confusion about Alberta's TS population. This is all you have to do.

Contact Jamie Beach at with the following information.
1) Full name
2) Email Address
3) Status in GRS stage. (Considering transition, on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or awaiting surgery (you should already be well into HRT by this point))

You must be a resident of Alberta. Please pass this request to anyone you know that may be in or considering the GRS program through emails. All information must be collected by April 18, 2009. Please note, we do not need information from you if you have completed your transition (post op). Thank you for helping.


3. Alberta Health and Wellness has a hotline concerned citizens can call to get more information, give comments, concerns, etc about the new budget.

The operators are there to hear your views and relay your comments to the Minister.

I encourage you to call, be respectful, and to register your complaint to GRS funding cuts, and the reasons why you are concerned.

Call toll-free in Alberta, dial 310-0000 followed by the 10-digit phone number 780-638-2844.

This is another powerful way for this amazing network to become involved and ensure the voices from the trans communities and their allies are heard!


4. Ongoing

Sarah has an online petition started at

Be sure to stop by and add your name.

5. We have a letter appeal out to all Albertans. Please visit and copy the "19 Cents" article following the intro and forward it to anyone in the Province that you think might listen.

6. Tell Me A Story

This will be a longer-term project, originating in Alberta. It will also be something that can perhaps translate on a national or international scale. Trans folk from around the world can participate if they like, and we will also be able to share the file with other communities if they want to raise funding to print and distribute it elsewhere.

I'm hoping to compile a hand-out booklet, professionally-printed, colour cover and B/W interior, telling our stories in individual testimonials. I'll be funding it by donations, which will determine how many pages and how many copies can be produced. I can do the layout and design and nuts and bolts of it at no cost -- that's what I do in my day job, after all.

The purpose is to tell our stories to the general public, how transition and GRS have transformed our lives for the better, how the pre-transition grief and anxiety hampered our lives and why we've had to make our choices. I find that giving a realistic face to who we are helps us tremendously. I believe in full inclusion in the trans community, but because of the current need to focus on GRS and full transition, the focus will be on the issue of gender identity solely -- on people who need transition, people in transition, and people who have completed their transition and moved on (and will be sectioned in that way, so that readers can see the progression).

Spouses and / or parents who have seen a partner / child through transition or part of transition and would like to talk about the change they've seen, how it's affected family, etc. are also welcome to contribute, because I believe these stories are also an important part of providing a rounded picture.

Participation is voluntary, I can't pay for the content. I also can't promise to use everything sent in, I will have to make editorial decisions based on length, number of pages I can raise funds for, relevance, and more. I may need to edit what is sent in for length, spelling / grammar, appropriateness of language for the audience, and such. As a writer myself, it's my intent to make as few edits as possible, because I understand the importance of keeping the spirit of what is written, so I will make every effort to make these edits with caution and careful consideration.

Contributors can use a pseudonym: keep in mind that using a real name will give the project more veracity and impact, but using a real name can also mean that what you write can come back to you in the future. I respect that, so you have the choice. Photos are also welcome (and great!) but the same caution applies.

For information or to submit a story, contact Mercedes Allen at

Take care,
Alberta Transgender Resources:

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